Bible Verses for Work-Life Balance
Finding Rest in a Busy World
Struggling with work-life balance? Discover biblical wisdom about rest, priorities, and stewarding your time and energy.
Divine Rhythm
Biblical principles of rest and work:
Key Verses:
- Genesis 2:2-3 - God rested on the seventh day
- Matthew 11:28-30 - Come to me... I will give you rest
- Ecclesiastes 3:1 - A time for everything
Practical Balance
Implementing biblical balance:
Setting boundaries
Prioritizing family
Sabbath rest
Time management
Stress management
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I balance ambition with rest?
God's design includes both productive work and regular rest. Success should not come at the expense of your well-being or relationships.
What if my job demands too much?
Set healthy boundaries, communicate professionally, and pray for wisdom in managing expectations and priorities.
Additional Resources
Balance Guide
Biblical work-life harmony
Rest Practices
Implementing Sabbath rest